
Sophie Burkhardt

Age: 20

Current Occupation and Country of Residence:
Student, England and Hong Kong (depending on the time of year!)

Tell us your Faust Story!
I started when I was 8 years old and I just never left! I have been in Faust Festival shows every year since then in shows like The Golden Age of Comedy, Our Country’s Good, and Romeo and Juliet. I also started student leading when I was 15 and fell so in love with teaching that I just keep coming back for that too.

What is your earliest Faust memory?
Learning how to play Zip Zap Boing and requesting it every week (much to the dismay of our group leader).

What is your favourite Faust memory?
Backstage at the McAuley at literally any show. By that time our casts were always so close it was just a room full of shenanigans and inside jokes!

What was your biggest challenge in participating and leading in drama workshops and productions?
Being patient with difficult children. When I first started I felt like a 5 year-old myself, so to learn to be patient with an actual 5 year old was pretty tough.

What did you gain from your experience at Faust as a student and / or as a Leader?
Everything! I learned to be more professional, patient, and hard working. I learned loads about theatre as well from wanting to be able to answer questions from students who were just dying to know “when was Commedia d’ell Arte popular?”

How did studying Drama and Theatre impact your life?
It made me a more empathetic and charismatic person. I learned how to put myself in other people’s shoes and how to talk to anyone. It’s also given me the confidence to always say yes to new experiences, since one of the first things I learned was to say “yes, and…” !

What was the most valuable piece of advice you got from a director / leader at Faust?
Say yes.

How would you describe Faust to someone new to drama and theatre?
It’s a place to take your first steps into the world of theatre without the pressure of having to perform immediately. It’s also a community of people who want to have a great time and tell amazing stories in the process.

Sophie Burkhardt Sophie Burkhardt Sophie Burkhardt